For English members > Network game

Hello And a Little Help :P

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Hello Everyone ^^. i know some already know me abit on noxworld2 on network.

i am useing the ip address for network gameing with noxPatched, but i cant find noxworld1 ip, if someone could help you with that :P.

thank you <3

I didn't see this server, too. Seems that Noxworld-1 server is offline. You can play on Noxworld tho. :friends:

Welcome to NoxWorld.

First, the server is still run in a test mode, lots of experiments made, so it's not suprising that it's sometimes off/crashed etc.
Second, there is actually only one server - NoxWorld-2. Evengard while running the first server decided to evaluate another options so got a short trial for another one, but it wasn't that good and only worked until Jan. 16th. If you could see and join it after 1/16, well, that was not supposed to happen :)

And if you create a thread, please name it in a more describing way.

well i am sorry! :P.

basicly its my first post and well since its the only english section here and everything else is in ru i cant really post much anywhere >.<.


Do u play con??


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