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Автор Тема: Nox Client 1.3 in English PLEASE !!!!  (Прочитано 36119 раз)

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Hi.. I'm from USA.. Can someone please translate the 1.3 Nox Client assembly into English :)  or is it already done?

I love the new enchancements to warriors .. my favorite and only class I've played since the beginning :)

Begging.. lol.. make a english translation  so we can enjoy all your hard work in the USA :)

Or is there easy way I could tranlate the Nox menu's and other GUI texts and in game messages..

Sorry if this wrong place to post..  I'm using google translation.

Thanks alot.. Nox is awsome!!


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Welcome to NoxWorld.

The 1.3 client installator is planned to be recompilated in the near future, so I hope English edition will be made as well. Or, if you want to try translating it yourself, just download some .csf editor (personally I use SSTEditor but you may find it uncomfortable in Russian) and translate nox.csf.


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Also, the nox.csf (which contains all the strings of the game) from 1.2b (the usual game) is completely compatible with 1.3. Also, it is vary easy to update your installation to 1.3 - just install the 1.2b version and install the patch mix.
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yeah and SSTEditor really owns indeed. I'd recommend it above the mod suite from morden. His other tools are awesome though.


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Also, the nox.csf (which contains all the strings of the game) from 1.2b (the usual game) is completely compatible with 1.3. Also, it is vary easy to update your installation to 1.3 - just install the 1.2b version and install the patch mix.

Does that mean I could copy over my english 1.2b Nox.csf and replace the 1.3 Nox.csf and have it in english with no errors?

Does that patch mix also change the language to russian?  I downloaded the full 1.3 client..  I'll try the script thing your talking about.. Should be to hard to translate with translators :)

Thanks for replies..


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Yes, just copy nox.csf from 1.2b
No, the mix patch doesn't change the language
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С уважением, TriOptimum Corporation

PS: Покаяние - Признание своей вины в чем-либо, обычно с просьбой о прощении

Serg Lich

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As I understood, all are ok now. Drax replased file default.cfg from english version to russian version. Right? :O
Now he has english menu.


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Yes, just copy nox.csf from 1.2b
No, the mix patch doesn't change the language

Thanks.. works :)  Been wanting that automatic shield a long time..  Do you know what these other options do? 


and I have to keep deleting game_ex.cfg every time to start Nox again..  Any way to fix that?



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Do you know what these other options do? 

Allows war to block the front attacks while walking with a Great Sword equipped and while running with a Berserker Charge respectively.

and I have to keep deleting game_ex.cfg every time to start Nox again..  Any way to fix that?
Um, no idea.


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try to not delete it but replace with a sample file, packaged with the patch itself. It is somewhat buggy...
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С уважением, TriOptimum Corporation

PS: Покаяние - Признание своей вины в чем-либо, обычно с просьбой о прощении

Serg Lich

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and I have to keep deleting game_ex.cfg every time to start Nox again..  Any way to fix that?
Drax, try to create folder with name game_ex.cfg . This can save you from out creating new file with this name. File mb created but he will have other name and won't be used by files of NOX.


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Nice to see that non-russian NoX players are interested in mix's patch. :friends:
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