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NoX / Разговоры о Nox 2
« : 03/07/2012 18:49:12 »
Maybe the plot could be that you're some guy who is fighting the dictator jack with his staff of oblivion. That'd be quite a powerful boss.

I researched 3.I was able to fire a harpoon from a statue, however not from a player.The problem was that when I created the object harpoon on an NPC or player, it crashes of the start point somehow.When you Create("Harpoon", Waypoint("blahblah") and set its owner it should work.
To check if a wall has been destroyed or not, you could use a variable to keep track of it. Of course, if it bugs then it makes the variable useless and it will fail.

Прочее / Тема для оффтопа II
« : 05/06/2012 17:25:09 »
Hey guys, offtopic, but upvote the hell out of this.
I'm advertising it a bit there. I also plan to put a link on how to play on the noxworld server, but I think that would be too hard for most people atm, with that 1000 long words post.

I personally think life has no point. Unless you see multiplicating as a reason to live.


Map 1:
Best map: 6
Best design: 10
Best gameplay: 4
Complexity of creation-process: 10
Comment:Unbelievable, I've never seen such perfectionism and dedication before, in any NoX map. However, the map is probably not very balanced for gameplay, as there are alot of blockades against warriors. But from a map editor's perspective, I would've died in the creation of this.

Map 2:
Best map: 8
Best design: 7
Best gameplay: 8
Complexity of creation-process: 8
Comment:Great map, although some of the places are clearly inspirated from other maps, the map is overall balanced, looks good and has cool scripts in it. The design also shows great art. The map is really hellish big though, which will make it annoying to play for example, Elimination in this map.

Map 3:
Best map: 8
Best design: 7
Best gameplay: 8
Complexity of creation-process: 8
Comment:This is definitly another case of perfectionism, in adapting the style from the temple of IX. I loved the traps you put in there, as for some reason I never got that working properly. (No idea why)
It also has great item placement, which is often not the case in custom made maps. Although at some spots, it seems to lack a bit of detail. Though, the temple of IX sometimes lacks detail in single-player too, so that's understandable. To be calling it 'Lack of detail' would be unfair, because it isn't lack of detail, it's supposed to be like that.

NoX / Introduction thread - Who are you, Nox fans?
« : 18/03/2012 06:33:07 »
You're not showing your photos

Modding/Mapping/Scripting / Interesting find.
« : 02/03/2012 12:41:07 »

It is a player character editor from back in the days.

unseen: please create threads started in English in appropriate sections of the forum.

Yeah, I remember editing maps with winhack, filling them with monsters and using bookcases as walls and stuff. Never really got to edit maps with a hex editor though, I was just around 12 years old, didn't understand anything of it.
The map editor was actually a pleasant suprise when I first got to use it, quite user-friendly.

it is easier than that. 

Прочее / Тема для оффтопа II
« : 04/02/2012 14:00:57 »
what is up with bananas

Forum nickname: Horrendous1
Ingame nickname: _!b.F!_ SuperJack ACM
С правилами турнира ознакомлен и согласен - да.

Прочее / Тема для оффтопа II
« : 12/01/2012 15:55:52 »
I'd lose anyways.

Прочее / Тема для оффтопа II
« : 10/01/2012 21:49:49 »
yeah, I suck now, haven't been too active. Larboss, Squall and Perfect can be concidered better now.

It's not copyrighted, we could make some more playerstarts in it. Idea?


So if I understand it well, we're supposed to make a HUGE ass map with as many scripts as possible, while keeping the limit of size and amount of scripts in mind with other Westwood maps as comparition?

no you're right, it isn't in yet, yet here I stand voting it upwards.

NoX /
« : 23/12/2011 00:17:40 »
try duckduckgo :P

NoX /
« : 22/12/2011 19:26:25 »
there's always yahoo search

NoX /
« : 22/12/2011 15:07:04 »
Nope, I can log in on the proxy. Strange. Also, I'd expect google to have alot of IP adresses, so the chance wouldn't be high for it to not be working right?

NoX /
« : 22/12/2011 14:55:51 »
I still can't get on, odd.
EDIT:Apparently I can visit it under a proxy. wtf..

NoX /
« : 22/12/2011 10:40:29 »
Hello all,
as you may have noticed, is down, and became useless.
Some of you may have noticed, although some of you probably haven't.
However, I'd like a small moment of silence for the community forum that lived 7 years.
R.I.P. NoXforum

don't forget sysop racoiaws, though. :P

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