« : 19/03/2012 00:06:43 »
Map 1:
Best map: 6
Best design: 10
Best gameplay: 4
Complexity of creation-process: 10
Comment:Unbelievable, I've never seen such perfectionism and dedication before, in any NoX map. However, the map is probably not very balanced for gameplay, as there are alot of blockades against warriors. But from a map editor's perspective, I would've died in the creation of this.
Map 2:
Best map: 8
Best design: 7
Best gameplay: 8
Complexity of creation-process: 8
Comment:Great map, although some of the places are clearly inspirated from other maps, the map is overall balanced, looks good and has cool scripts in it. The design also shows great art. The map is really hellish big though, which will make it annoying to play for example, Elimination in this map.
Map 3:
Best map: 8
Best design: 7
Best gameplay: 8
Complexity of creation-process: 8
Comment:This is definitly another case of perfectionism, in adapting the style from the temple of IX. I loved the traps you put in there, as for some reason I never got that working properly. (No idea why)
It also has great item placement, which is often not the case in custom made maps. Although at some spots, it seems to lack a bit of detail. Though, the temple of IX sometimes lacks detail in single-player too, so that's understandable. To be calling it 'Lack of detail' would be unfair, because it isn't lack of detail, it's supposed to be like that.