Ммм,дело в том,что там не только уровни.Игра обновляется до версии 1.2.И с теми у кого эта версия можно играть и на арене и где угодно

) Кстати баланс переделали...многие скилы переделали,там ридми прилагается - описание и изменения в скиллах.Вот.
1. Warrior Specific:
1.1 Berserker Charge: Berserker charge can no longer be stopped by
a weapon dequip (V-key).
1.2 Berserker Charge: If a warrior kills someone with Berserker
Charge, the game now immediately recharges
this skill so the warrior can immediately do
another Berserker Charge.
1.3 Berserker Charge: The warrior can no longer Berserker Charge
through any walls and go out of bounds using
observer mode.
1.4 Harpoon: The warrior's harpoon has been improved so it
works more reliably everywhere.
1.5 Harpoon: The warrior's harpoon has been improved so it
tracks enemies in front of the warrior.
1.6 Harpoon: The warrior's harpoon now has a time limit.
Once it has latched onto someone, it only
lasts a short duration.
1.7 Harpoon: The harpooned player can no longer use jump
to escape/break out of being harpooned.
1.8 Harpoon: The warrior harpoon will no longer collide
with the harpoon source.
2. Conjurer Specific:
2.1 Bombers: The conjurer may only summon 2 bombers now.
If you have an old save game with more than 2
bombers you will still have the additional
bombers, but you won't be able to summon any
more until you have less than 2.
3. Wizard Specific:
3.1 Energy Bolt &: The game now disallows the use of energy bolt
Lightning and lightning at the same time.
3.2 Reflective Shield: The reflective shield now animates.
3.3 Swap Location: When inverted, the Swap Location spells are
now automatically destroyed.
3.4 Teleport to Marker: Casting Teleport to Marker on other players
is no longer allowed. However, it can still
be used on yourself, or in a trap.
3.5 Teleport to Target: It is now safe to use the Teleport to Target
spell in a trap. The game will no longer
3.6 Illegal Enchantments: In the solo game, it was possible to become
infinitely enchanted with some hostile spells
such as anchor and stun. This has been fixed.
3.7 Obliteration: Before, if you save a game while the
Obliteration spell is going off, and load
this game back up, you won't be able to move
or continue with the game. This has been