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Автор Тема: How to replace music and photos?  (Прочитано 127408 раз)

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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #0 : 11/05/2010 00:45:23 »

Hello  :hi: , my name is Agustin, I am from Argentina, and I want to modify the NOx.
problem I have:
Can music be replaced?
Can be added to the music?
Can I change the images? (". Pic), I am using Noxmodsuite. This program is used for that? How I can edit thing.bin?.

Greetings from Argentina
(I hope to be clear)


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #1 : 11/05/2010 00:59:34 »

Basically, ingame ambiance music is just a simple WAV file - so you can try to replace the ones from NoX by your ones (if you have a NoX install which uses music from CD-ROM - just go to the folder with installed NoX, create here a folder called "music" and jyst put inside your modified wav file)
Actually, adding new music files isn't possible - because it requires the .exe to be modified - so right now it is impossible.
Images are basically stored in the .bin files - so, by editing them you can replace the images.
The NoxModSuite is used (if I am not mistaken) to edit the thing.bin file...
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #2 : 11/05/2010 02:30:37 »

Hello! thanks for answer-

Change could create the folder as musicas you suggested !!!!.
Furthermore Noxmodsuite program will not let me edit the Thing.bin file-
I show a picture here that details this.

Any field is empty, not as editing
I want to replace the default image dialog box by either another image

Can you edit this with Noxmodsuite or recommend me another program?

It's all for now.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #3 : 11/05/2010 02:44:29 »

I was mistaken - all graphic files are stored in video.bag
1. Open with NoxModSuite the video.idx file first
2. Open in the same window video.bag to edit it
also, NoxModSuite can open all .bin files except thing.bin. To open thing.bin you will need the Nox Packer from here:
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #4 : 11/05/2010 08:10:53 »

Hello! Thanks for helping Evengard
When I insert a picture gives me error.
The steps are made
1 charge video.idx
2 open video.bag
3 File / Load Sorted / thing.bin
4 Images
5 shopkeeperPic/14799 try to open and close the program only.
I try to add the same image but do not know what extension should be
. Pcx or. Bmp??

Greetings and thanks for all Evengard


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #5 : 11/05/2010 13:17:09 »

Try to extract one image from the game and see it's file format - and just save with same size/file type/etc.
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #6 : 11/05/2010 15:11:27 »

What happens is the following, exported the seller's image, the image is saved as follows: UPRcshop.pcx.bmp but the program only reads. Bmp. I try
changing the extention to. bmp and do not function, and. pcx but neither worked.
the error happens again that I demonstrated in the two image. "Insertion Failed, file type bit is wrong or corrupt."
What extention should have the file you import?

Greetings to everyone there.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #7 : 11/05/2010 22:07:41 »

1. Open your BMP file in Photoshop (or alternatives)
2. Save it (in BMP format)
3. When saving, select color depht - 24 bits
4. Try to import the newly saved image

(thanks to Dio_Darkclainer for this tutorial)

Upd: it seems that some images are stored in video8.bag - so be careful
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #8 : 12/05/2010 07:35:46 »

Evengard Hello thank you very much for helping me, what you said did not work.
An exported image
2 to keep the image in photoshop bmp 24 bits.
3 where the amount, without making any changes ... by the image, hope and the program closes
you could you import an image that you've modified?
could you send me your thing.bin modified ...
Noxmodsuite you used to modify thing.bin??
For me this is the part I need to learn, if you got any solution will have to redesign the viewer Video.bag, which would take me time.
Evengard greetings and thank you very much for helping me in this problem.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #9 : 15/05/2010 00:15:57 »

I could not edit the file, any idea that comes to mind?


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #10 : 06/09/2010 18:17:48 »

I have a question:
Where can i download the Nox Mod Suit programm?
I have used google, there was no active download link(
so i tought where may it be if even google hadn't found it?

beforhand thanks :)

p.s: correct my grammar and vocabulary mistakes, pleese)
separated thanks :)


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #11 : 06/09/2010 21:28:06 »

One sec let me log into the FTP for Noxhub ill get you the download links.


Nox Mod Suite By Mordentral:


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #12 : 06/09/2010 21:35:54 »

I searched it in this site (something that i didnt before) and i had found it.

so, now I have another problem:
1. Open with NoxModSuite the video.idx file first
2. Open in the same window video.bag to edit it
I've done this ,but
i got a different list from agustoarg (The names "theorem" in list is Section:X NumElements:Y) and
when im selecting an item the NoxModSuit Going blank, what to do to avoid it?


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #13 : 06/09/2010 23:25:17 »

hello Romaner811 besides English you speak Spanish?
on the other side to respond to you first load the file and the file video.idx video.bag / load the file later thing.bin (file / load sorted)
I hope you can change the pictures, I could not.
[/size] :D :D


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #14 : 06/09/2010 23:51:24 »

I've completely forgotten about the topic, going to think about trying to import an image..
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #15 : 07/09/2010 15:46:24 »

No, unfortenately I dont speak spanish, and I need to only extract the pictures for a web site making...
i hadnt chosen the snapshots way because there will be alot of work...
I'll try to change the pictures and answer you in some days..


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #16 : 07/09/2010 17:40:42 »

all the game has built in this form!?!?!?
these files contains all the animtion, in nox!!

now i have a question do these files contain the button graphicks?


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #17 : 13/09/2010 05:27:44 »

if in this moment all I'm trying to edit these images, in order to change at least the faces of the characters. if you could import any image you changed you let me know.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #18 : 22/01/2011 13:32:51 »

Dear, help solve problems with the program NOXMODSUITE, when viewing of any image in the archive video.bag issued the following errors:

used platform windows 7.
« Последнее редактирование: 22/01/2011 13:38:44 от Telega »


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #19 : 22/01/2011 16:26:59 »

It seems that you are out of RAM. Try to increase the size of the swapping file.
Also try to set the compatibility settings to Win98 or WinXP, and to start with admin rights.
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #20 : 22/01/2011 17:04:13 »

Thanks, but nothing helped. Same errors.
« Последнее редактирование: 22/01/2011 17:13:48 от Telega »


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #21 : 22/01/2011 17:46:27 »

move NoxModSuite in NoxTools directory. I was forgot what dll it want...
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #22 : 22/01/2011 18:04:20 »

I know about this. program is placed in the directory noxtools, but does not help.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #23 : 22/01/2011 20:09:58 »

in order to see files with noxmodsuite you have to place with it some binaries. hope that will help


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #24 : 22/01/2011 20:10:37 »

In my opinion someone should upload the modified file with a changed image to see if you can work it out, I also believe that the program is flawed noxmodsuite in this part of the program and also to change the dialogue (the solution I found here with theSSTEditor ) I hope someone upload the files already modified.
Greetings to All. :hi:


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #25 : 22/01/2011 20:23:47 »

Thanks Katarsis, i have this files and  source nxmodsuite, but does not help.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #26 : 23/01/2011 10:49:53 »

NoXModSuite sources?) Can you show me it?))
« Последнее редактирование: 23/01/2011 10:54:21 от KirConjurer »


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #27 : 23/01/2011 11:52:25 »

KinConjurer check your PM.
Tested on WinXP, not work, same problems and messages. I don't understand why is not working.
« Последнее редактирование: 23/01/2011 12:05:37 от Telega »


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #28 : 07/02/2012 02:00:21 »

I posted this at noxforum but to no avail, so I'm hoping maybe someone can help me here. Running windows 7 but same problem with XP

I've recently been attempting to incorporate new creatures on top of old sprites, but it seems I'm unable to insert the modified picture. The program sits at inserting file and freezes.

 I've even tried just re-incorporating the original picture and just putting a single picture dot or colorizing it results the same, still  unable to import it. Tried 16 24 and 32 bit no luck.

Has anyone had any success with this?

Photos of my different attempts

Step 1: Export Section of Sprites

Step 2: Attempt to import the original UN-modified sprite over itself

Step 3: Error

Step 4 : Attempt to import slightly modified sprite over top of original

Step 5 : Error

Any ideas?


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #29 : 07/02/2012 20:01:02 »

I can't even export an image... NXModSuite needs a modification, I think.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #30 : 07/02/2012 20:50:00 »

NoxModSuite requires MordenTral's NoxLib files placed in "bin" folder for work, you can find it on NoxForum.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #31 : 07/02/2012 21:12:56 »

See the screenshot. The H was drawn by me, then reinserted into NoX video.bag. If you don't believe me, then try by yourself:

Try the attached DLLs. Insert NoX Mod Suite, all files (without the folder, just the files) from the attached zip file into the NoX directory and try.

UPD: finally one person googled a little! Thank you Kir

UPD2: merging with similar topic.
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #32 : 08/02/2012 02:57:47 »

NoxModSuite requires MordenTral's NoxLib files placed in "bin" folder for work, you can find it on NoxForum.

Tried that already

See the screenshot. The H was drawn by me, then reinserted into NoX video.bag. If you don't believe me, then try by yourself:

Try the attached DLLs. Insert NoX Mod Suite, all files (without the folder, just the files) from the attached zip file into the NoX directory and try.

UPD: finally one person googled a little! Thank you Kir

UPD2: merging with similar topic.

Same problem persists in NoX directory. Could you post a picture of exactly how you have the dlls and the ModSuite.exe set up?

Could you upload .bag files to a different provider so I can download them without downloading that toolbar.

Also you are using 24bit pictures correct?


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #33 : 08/02/2012 11:01:12 »

You can untick the checkbox and the toolbar won't be installed.

Anyway, there are the reuploaded files:


All that I did is exported one image, edited that with paint and reimported that back.
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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #34 : 08/02/2012 20:57:35 »

Ya see that H on the airship basket but I just can't manage to do anything with it.

Are you running Windows 7?

Can you think of ANYTHING else I could try?

Again when you have a second can you show me exactly how you have mod suite and the bin dlls laid out, maybe I'm missing some .dlls


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #35 : 08/02/2012 21:00:52 »

Well, I will try to package my NoX install with all these things and send it to you so you can try.
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С уважением, TriOptimum Corporation

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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #36 : 09/02/2012 03:45:30 »

Sounds awesome!


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #37 : 09/02/2012 08:42:09 »

Well, it seems that the attached package is all that you will need.

Extract the folder with all the files from the attached ZIP file. Then, copy three files:
- video.bag
- video.idx
- thing.bin
to this folder.
Then launch NXModSuite.exe, go to "Video.bag viewer" button on the right.
Then, on the top, select:
1. File -> Load .IDX -> Select the video.idx file in your NXModSuite folder -> Click OK on the pop-up message saying that you need to load a BAG file.
2. File -> Load .BAG -> Select the video.bag file in your NXModSuite folder
3. File -> Load sorted -> Select the thing.bin file in your NXModSuite folder
Then, select the image you wish to modify, click Export button on the left bottom corner, select the NXModSuite folder and a name (well, I never changed the default name)
Then, edit the resulting file (it will be a BMP file) -> I used MS Paint (one with Windows XP and Windows 7 works well)
Then, when finished with editing, save it with MS Paint.
Then, go back to the NXModSuite program (I hope you didn't closed that?). DESELECT the image file in the program and select it back.
Then click Import on the bottom left corner, select the edited file.
Then, WAIT. The saving process can take a while, on a slow computer it took me some 3-5 minutes. The application seems to hang at this moment - but this is normal. Actually, the app is resaving all the 100 MB of the video.bag :)
Then, copy back to NoX folder the three files:
- video.bag
- video.idx
- thing.bin
And try with NoX :)
Не упоминай администраторов всуе...
С уважением, TriOptimum Corporation

PS: Покаяние - Признание своей вины в чем-либо, обычно с просьбой о прощении


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #38 : 09/02/2012 23:12:01 »

Wow Evengard, I want you to impregnate my girlfriend so I can raise your children.

That worked, I'm assuming it was using the .bag files in the same directory as the mod suite, but yes it worked and I can't tell you how ecstatic I am.

Thanks a million!

I'll let you know when I'm in Russia so you can knock her up.


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #39 : 10/02/2012 03:03:09 »

This took about 3 hours only half way done incorporating it



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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #40 : 10/02/2012 08:23:48 »

So, as I can see, this works like a charm :)
Не упоминай администраторов всуе...
С уважением, TriOptimum Corporation

PS: Покаяние - Признание своей вины в чем-либо, обычно с просьбой о прощении


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #41 : 10/02/2012 09:46:27 »

Mod incoming?


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How to replace music and photos?
« Ответ #42 : 12/02/2012 12:44:50 »

Thats the plan, want to pump out a new single player campaign
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