Одно из значений - "покоящийся, спящий". Неудержимая армия из спящих воинов нежити!
Хорошо, убедил.
Думаю, лучше всё-таки делать транскрипции для правильных файлов. Опять же, больше версий, больше рассказов, веселее жить.
Отлично, так и поступим.
Я, пожалуй, не буду уже изменять свой предыдущий пост, а добавлю транскрипцию для пятой главы сюда. Думаю, так будет лучше. В этот раз никаких значительных сложностей при прослушивании не возникло.
Маг, глава 5, Ogre Raid at the Hamlet of Brin.
Captain: I cannot believe Hecubah's audacity. After your heroic efforts at battling the undead in the Tomb of Valor she sent the Ogres far afield from their realm to kidnap the Great Wizard Horvath! You need to go immediately to Grok Torr, lad. Rescue Horvath! Without him the fate of our fair land lies in Hecubah's ruthless grasp.
Hecubah: You failed to save Horvath, I seized Galava, began a systematic assault on Nox. Chaos ensued. You became an insignificant casualty in a frontier skirmish.
Маг, глава 6, The Halberd of Horrendous
Captain: Hecubah's plans are unfolding too quickly. Circumstances demand the ultimate solution - the Staff of Oblivion. I should know, because I was once known as the warrior Jandor, Slayer of Necromancers! Reassembling the Staff is everything now. The first part is the Halberd of Horrendous, but I'm afraid, lad, the proud Warlord will never give this praised weapon willingly to one of your own, because of an ancient feud he has with wizards. You just have to steal it from Horrendous. So, the less seeing of a wizard - the better, right? Entering by the sewers will aid your entry into Dun Mir. Once inside - stand ready with all your spells, tread the whole stealthily, and bring back the Halberd!
Hecubah: You failed to obtain the Halberd of Horrendous, but you will succeed as a nice trophy on the Warlord's wall.