The format of the tournament: 10 maps of FFA arena, each up to 20 frags. At the end of games, amount of frags on each map is summarised, and that's your score. Changing your class is POSSIBLE.
Date: 09.09.2012 (Sunday)
Time: 5 pm (UTC +4)
Host: NoxWorld-Main
Participation: free (without pre-registration)
Maps of main part of the tournament:- Furnace
- Luckspin
- TreeHaus
- Mn2Wland
- DeepFrze
- Paradise
- LostTomb
- CourtYrd
- Estate (fallest)
- DeathTrp
+ additional Massacre Marathon Map: MiniMine up to 50 frags! Your frags on this map won't be added to final score!
Only one rule this time -
Wizard's spell Lock is forbidden.
NO MORE RULES, SPAM, CAMP, PUT TRAPS AS MUCH AS YOU NEED! MwahahaThere's some rules of behaving anyway:1) When change classes (and your new character has another nickname), remind about it to Norten, otherwise your frags probably can be not summarised.
2) If you leave for some reason before map ends, your frags can be added to your final score if you give a prove (screenshot). If you just went to observer mode, your frags on this map would be authomatically added to your score (Norten screenshots every map at the end).
3) The winner is player who has most of frags, get during the game. If more then one player have same score, higher in the table would be the one with
higher average ping.
4) Please behave yourself. For any swearing you'll be kicked (not banned, but kicked, you'll lost your time and frags on the map

- Top 3 players get titles of Golden\Silver\Bronze Frag-Machine and muuuuch of respect =D
- Title "Mini Frag-Machine" - is for winner of nightmarish slaughter on the MiniMine!
- For getting 200 points on the main part, you get the title of Legendary Adamant Imba Frag-Machine (good luck, he-he)
But remember, the winner is only