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Автор Тема: 5th Map-Making Contest!  (Прочитано 10766 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость смотрят эту тему.

Jack Mower

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5th Map-Making Contest!
« Ответ #0 : 24/02/2014 22:51:51 »

NoxWorld's 5th Map-Making Contest!

So, Gentlemen! The time has come for a new map-making contest! Last challenge was long time ago, we were about to host a new one, but we were thinking about theme of contest, that's why the contest was delayed that much. But recently, the advent of Olympic Games inspired us to invent the name of an upcoming competition. It is "Freestyle". Any sort of map, with any design, any amount of them, any size. In other words, anything that you want. We retain all past nomination but bring in some innovations as well. Let's make the contest oldschool and hardcore as well as freestyle is - you will be given only three weeks for preparing your map or maps! The deadline of recieving maps by judges will be on 17th March!

After every participant submit his map(s) or\and the time limit will come, every map will be presented in a special contest topic, as well as be uploaded on Dedicated NoXWorld playing server.
All winning maps will be determined with an open voting of our forum members. Everyone can vote, all you need to do for this is to name winning map in every nomination and reason it.

Maps will be estimated by upcoming criteria:

  • Gameplay - how playable map would be.
  • Balance - convenience of playing with any class on it.
  • Design - how beautyful your map visually
  • Itemisation - every item on your map should be balanced, yet different enchants on weapons and armor are welcome.
  • Random Interesting Things - such as traps, secret passages, destroyable walls etc.

  • Best Map.
  • Best Design.
  • Best Gameplay.
  • Difficulty of Producing.
  • NoxWorld Administration Choice.

And something else: winner of Best Map will recieve super-stylish T-shirt with NoxWorld symbol as a reward!

Spoiler: For participants (click to show/hide)
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