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Автор Тема: Just a Reminder About the Map Database  (Прочитано 54240 раз)

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You ruskies are still posting maps in our forums and not in the map database.. I had to add this map from evengard.

Please post them Here:

You get one freebie..

P.s. Whoever made that map.. Great Job!  :good:


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The fact is that the map is more than 550 KB in size. So we can't upload that.

...or at least we didn't tried. Anyways, thanks!
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I just wrote that on the map database so people didn't abuse it..

You can actually upload closer to 1.2 MB's.. If you need that to be increased I will increase it.  :good:

Thank you for making great maps!

P.s. I didn't realize how ****ed up the rating system was.. Fixed it. LoL
« Последнее редактирование: 19/02/2012 19:57:50 от Evengard »


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All thanks goes to Garett, not me :)

And please, no vulgarisms. Thanks!
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I posted there 2 maps. ;) Keep rocking on!

Btw, what about Map Editor? Is mordentral going to work on it?


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Immortal: you gonna update the Nox Mod Suite ever?
Immortal: or you done with it?
M72TheLaw™: currently working on it
M72TheLaw™: i left it alone 6 years ago but that stav guys been using it
M72TheLaw™: so i'm cleaning it up
Immortal: the russians
Immortal: wanna know
M72TheLaw™: tell them to compile a wishlist
Immortal: more then stavros use it..

Morden wants a wishlist of things you guys want added to nox mod suite..


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K, we will. But what about the map editor?


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The Map Editor is open source.. What do you want added to it?  :lol:

From Morden:

but what I really need for a perfect mod suite is the compression algorithm for the .bags. Zoa and Dood3rs nxdecrypt and nxencrypt with un encrypt and uncompress the files but they don't RE compress them. Every time you add or replace images in the video.bag it gets larger because of that. I don't have any softice or w/e anymore and am rusty as fuck with assm

but the ruskies have fucked with the exe all to hell
if they get me that algorithm its golden



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Layered GUI where objects are displayed propertly.
Wall preview in GUI.
Better script compiler.
Tile floodfill, tiling with shapes.

Actually some more, but can't tell right now.


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Better script compiler.

Actually some more, but can't tell right now.

I agree with this 100%.. If I get some free time I can look into it..

I know some of the errors and how to fix them already, just need to update the map editor. When d00d3r and Zoa wrote the script parser sometimes incorrect bytes are written to the .map file. It is really annoying that the script editor corrupts map files.


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Btw, how does GUI work there? Can't understand the method..


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Btw, how does GUI work there? Can't understand the method..

Can you rephrase this question? GUI for what?


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How does GUI View work in map editor?

Spoiler: Simpler (click to show/hide)


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The Map editor code was written by 3 different people in two different languages. Morden was the last person to touch it and was the one to add all the GUI stuff.

The Map database loads the map and using the libraries created by D00d3r / Zoaedk reads the map data and then looks up all the objects / tiles from the appropiate bins then grabs the images and places them at the right coordinates (Almost like nox does)

Morden basically combined his NoxModSuite functionality with the older Non-Gui based Map Editor..


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Well, basically what I personally would like is to have a audio.bag editor as well (now it is possible only to extract).

Well, will try to see the algorithm, but can't guarantee that for now. Asm is difficult)
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If only map-making in Nox was as easy as house-building in The Sims...


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it is easier than that. 
« Последнее редактирование: 20/02/2012 21:34:16 от horrendous1 »


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I remember when I used to make maps without the map editor using 010 Editor.. I still remember that Walls would 7 Bytes in size and the minimume tile was 16/32 bytes in size (Larger Coordinates and way more tile data.. infact when blending came in and edging.. tiles can get really large in size.)

Oh and the checksum had to be a multiple of 8.. FUN.. Not..

You guys have it easy..



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Yeah, I remember editing maps with winhack, filling them with monsters and using bookcases as walls and stuff. Never really got to edit maps with a hex editor though, I was just around 12 years old, didn't understand anything of it.
The map editor was actually a pleasant suprise when I first got to use it, quite user-friendly.


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Yeah, I remember editing maps with winhack, filling them with monsters and using bookcases as walls and stuff. Never really got to edit maps with a hex editor though, I was just around 12 years old, didn't understand anything of it.
The map editor was actually a pleasant suprise when I first got to use it, quite user-friendly.

This was much later then that.. When we first decrypted the .map file but didn't have a map editor yet.. We knew how .map files were layed out for almost a year before even a basic map editor was created.

In those days we had no way to encrypted a .nxz file so everyone had to have the .map file or they would crash if they joined your game. Lol.

A trick was to use another .nxz and rename it to the name of your map.. but then their client would think they were on that map and couldn't see any of the walls or tiles in your map. Good times.


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